Neuromusica e ictus

Da vario tempo si parla dell’impiego della musicoterapia nel trattamento dell’ictus in fase post-acuta e cronica.

Da la segnalazione di uno studio che ha dimostrato un miglioramento nel recupero della memoria verbale, dell’attenzione e dell’umore nel gruppo di pazienti sottoposti all’ascolto di musica.

Neuromusica, guarire l’ictus con le note

Nell’articolo che segue, Victoria Gill per la BBC racconta di uno studio in corso presso il Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre e l’Harvard Medical School a Boston, USA, in cui è stato insegnato ai pazienti colpiti da ictus a cantare, ottenendo così un miglioramento nel recupero della loro capacità di parlare.

A tal proposito, il neuroscienziato Aniruddh Patel sostiene che: “La musica illumina varie zone del cervello – non è soltanto uno spot nella corteccia uditiva”

Singing ‘rewires’ damaged brain

Nell’articolo scientifico che segue, viene riportato uno studio riguardante l’impiego della musicoterapia in pazienti colpiti da ictus al fine di migliorarne l’umore e lo stato d’ansia.

Effects of music therapy on mood in stroke patients.
Kim DS, Park YG, Choi JH, Im SH, Jung KJ, Cha YA, Jung CO, Yoon YH. Yonsei Med J. 2011 Nov;52(6):977-81.

Alle stesse conclusioni arriva anche lo studio pilota del 2002 di Magee W.L. e colleghi – The effect of music therapy on mood states in neurological patients: a pilot study. – Magee WL, Davidson JW. J Music Ther. 2002 Spring;39(1):20-9.)

Abstract. Music therapy as a clinical intervention has been demonstrated to improve mood states with a variety of populations, however, this has not yet been shown empirically with participants with neurological impairments. This report presents the results of a pilot study examining the effect of music therapy on moods states in patients with acquired and complex neuro-disabilities. Using a single subject design, pre and post session mood states were measured using the Profile of Mood States (Bipolar form). Analyses examined the main effects of pre/post measures as well as interactions between the specific musical therapeutic intervention, mood state, and diagnosis. Results showed that, in terms of composed-anxious, energetic-tired, and agreeable-hostile mood states, there was a significant difference between pre and post music therapy intervention in a positive direction. Although the study displayed that the benefits of music therapy in treating mood states in this patient group are limited, some of the results were affected by the difficulty of the POMS-BI questionnaire for the subject group. The results are discussed considering methodological improvements and arguing for the inclusion of music therapy as an effective intervention to address negative mood states in neuro-rehabilitation populations.

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